Tree of Life begins as space of communication in which I share my experiences, perspectives and some information on issues regarding psychology, teaching and most of all the joy of living well. Tree of Life main purpose is to bring psychology closer to everyone, in a pleasant, friendly yet useful way, as an aspect of each other’s daily life.

Through Tree of Life I also wish to share some of my multiple passions, such as cooking, wine, movies and culture in  general. This from a point of view of an enthusiast, not quiet an expert, surrounded by skilled friends who generously share with me their expertise.

About me

Francesca Caregnato Tosetto


Practice license 5172316
Practice license 8029335

Clinical psychologist, Counselor, thanatologist and professor.

I’m a professional with over fifteen years teaching experience in the pedagogic and psychological field with adolescents and adults, as well as developing and teaching psychoeducational workshops, conferences and various projects. As a psychotherapist/counselor for almost a decade, I’ve been leaning to clinic practice with sociocultural diverse adolescents and adults. My theoretical orientation is integrative, with a cognitive-behavioral and humanistic approach, cooperative and post-modern.


  • Psychotherapist, thanatologist and Counselor in private practice
  • Professor at Tec de Monterrey campus México City, imparting the subject of Development of Abilities for Integral Thinking to degree students.
  • Professor at Anahuac University – Campus South, at the Master’s Degree program in Clinical Psychology.
  • Professor of psychology and pedagogy related courses (private).
  • Professor of language and Italian culture at the Italian Institute of Culture (Cultural office of the Italian Embassy).


  • Participant as speaker at the Albert Bandura forum 2013 held at the UVM Campus Hispano with the conference “Therapeutic interventions for the increase in adherence to treatment in people living with HIV/AIDS and other chronic conditions”.
  • Participant as teacher at the Amit National Congress 2013 – Mexican Association of Italianate held at the city of Oaxaca, with the workshop “Building Roads – Structural Activities and Technics for class”.
  • Participant as specialist in the original TV series Decoded Miracles (Milagros Decodificados) for the History Channel Latin America Network, aired between October 2012 and January 2013.


  • Master’s Degree in Counseling from the Universidad Iberoamericana – campus Mexico City. Thesis project (publishable article): “Therapeutic interventions for the increase in adherence to treatment in seropositive patients”. Master’s Degree obtained Magna Cum Laude.
  • Graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad Regional del Sureste, Oaxaca (2006). Thesis Title: “The family through drawing test of the family members in kids and adolescents children of separated fathers”.
  • Certificate of Mental Health Facilitator obtained from the NBCC International (National Board for Certified Counselor), 2010.
  • Diplomat in Thanatology from the Mexican Institute of Thanatology, Mexico City (2006) and in Psychopathology from the Universidad Autónoma de Antequera, Oaxaca Oax. (2010).
  • Courses and workshops in Single Sessions Therapy, First Aid, self-harm, Intervention in crisis, Multiculturality, and sexual diversity, Alimentary conduct disorders, Cognitive-cultural Therapy, Autism and Childhood psychosis, Learning disorders, Psychopathology
  • Participation in congresses, courses and workshops focused in psychotherapy and teaching.


Italian: native; Spanish, English and Veneto dialect: bilingual; French: fluent; German: student.


Seven years of practice and philosophy of yoga (hatha).

Hobbies: traveling, cooking, art expos, cinema, theater and reading.